Corporate Social Responsibility
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has acquired new dimensions in the recent years. Today, companies are proactively taking up this good hearted investment and giving a social value to all their business endeavours.
In India, though corporate have a strong will to dedicate their resources for a social cause, they find it difficult to reach the right people considering the demography and diverse social problems of the country.
BGS Foundation is one such catalyst that works towards the needs of development while helping corporate in investing in social initiatives. With multiple modes of partnerships.
BGS Foundation helps corporate in strengthening their CSR programmes by letting them adopt, initiate or partner development projects.
In other words, BGS Foundation devises ways for its partners in which they can help and make a diffrence.
BGS Foundation governance structure has a 4 tier audit and evaluation mechanism to ensure right use of money and ultimately contribute a huge Social Return on Investment against traditional methods.
Our Aim is to focus on major crises prevailing in society. But we would approach in step-by-step manner. Major part of our activities are yet to begin however the work has already initiated to engage in the cause of it.
We are ready to assist you at every stage of your crises. Feel free to approach us in your journey to create a better life - a better world. Write to us: support@bgsfoundtaion.org
To donate click on the Donate Now button and select the cause for which you want to donate.
To take action click on the Take Action button and rest be assured that your identity will be kept confidential.
Regd. no.: 270633