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An overview of cerebral palsy before we know about the cerebral palsy treatment

Cerebral Palsy is an incurable disease that affects muscle movements, tone, and posture. This is caused by brain damage that occurs during the developing stage, mostly before birth. This can not be reversed by operation or by any other medical invasive procedure. There are no stages of deterioration but the symptoms may appear slowly.



Symptoms to look out for Cerebral Palsy treatment

Most of the time the symptoms appear during childhood or infancy in the following ways:

Most of the signs appear during the preschool years that is when they are 3-4 years old. But if you notice any slight complication consult a doctor for cerebral palsy treatment. Early diagnosis can make a lot of difference. 






  1. Spastic CP – Spastic Cerebral Palsy is the most common type of cerebral palsy that affects more than 80 per cent of the affected population. People affected with this type of cerebral palsy find it difficult to walk due to the limited range of muscle movement. It is also possible that a part of the body gets paralyzed.

  1. Dyskinetic CP – People suffering from Dyskinetic Cerebral Palsy experience involuntary muscle movement and abnormal legs and arms movement. In some special cases, it also affects the tongue muscles, the whole face or any one side of the face. People with this type of cerebral palsy face extreme difficulty in sitting or walking or even lying down. 

  1. Mixed CP – People affected with Mixed Cerebral Palsy face combined hardships of spastic and dyskinetic cerebral palsy. 


Cerebral Palsy Treatment

Cerebral Palsy is incurable. But the main motive of tcerebral palsy treatment is to broaden the scope of muscle movements and prevent any further medical complications. Medications and surgery are the only two ways to treat cerebral palsy. Medicines like Valium Dantrium and Zanaflex are suggested by doctors to initiate with a low dose and increase it gradually. Sometimes doctors may also suggest Botox injection for cerebral palsy treatment.


Orthopaedic surgery is often performed for pain relief. There are other cerebral palsy treatment like speech therapy and specialized recreational counselling that are commonly practised worldwide.



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