BGS Foundation is an Independent, Non Profit and Departmental Organisation which offers assistance to Animals, Environment and People based on their needs, irrespective of race, religion, gender or political affiliation.
BGS Foundation supports and operates in various different fields for the upliftment and empowering of under privileged and victims of various social abuse.
1. Mr. Mohd. Shehbaz Shaikh - Founder, Chairman & Managing Director
BGS Foundation established December, 2015 is a dream and vision of Mr. Shehbaz Shaikh to bring a revolution in current working structure of NGO's. He wanted to bring all social issues to be addressed and work under one roof. For that Mr. Shehbaz Shaikh is continuously joining hands with various reputed and experienced NGO's working for different social topics and his objective is to cover as many NGO's in India and move ahead with them as a team to address all social issues. His future step will be covering cross border or international issues with the same strategy.
Mr. Shehbaz Shaikh comes from a passionate background of social activists and government officials.
His great grandfather Mr. Abdul Majeed Shaikh - I.G. of Dhule (Maharashtra).
His grandmother's father Mr. Sayed Mohammed Ibrahim - M.B.B.S Doctor of (Pachora Military Base).
His grand uncle Mr. Mohammed Ilyas Mohammed Ibrahim Sayed - A.C.P Bombay (Currently known as Mumbai).
His another grand uncle Mr. Mohammed Yusuf Mohammed Ibrahim Sayed - Excise Inspector of Nashik.
His grandmother Mrs. Feroza Begum Shaikh well known and renowned social activist of Mumbai.
So, Mr. Shehbaz Shaikh is just following their footsteps.
2. Mr. Abdul Khalique Shaikh - Director
Being the most eldest and experienced member in BGS Foundtaion, Mr. Abdul Khalique Shaikh was from a service background and post retirement has dedicated his life for social development.
3. Mr. Abdul Qavi Khan - Director
Inspite of not being a part of any NGO background, Mr. Abdul Qavi has decided to dedicate his interests in social activities. His inspiration being his father Mr. Mohammed Tahir Khan who selflessly worked throughout his life to provide help and aid for the needy. One of the event that changed Mr. Abdul Qavi's approach towards social reforms was when his father selflessly helped and provided aid to en number of people during the floods of 26th July, 2005 in Mumbai.
Inspite of not having any NGO background and contacts, his father successfully raised enough funds and ration for more than 2000 flood effected people throughout Mumbai.
BGS Foundation supports and operates in various different fields:
Advocacy for Social Change,
Animal Husbandry & Dairy,
Animal Rights,
Anti Corruption & Bribery,
Anti Drugs & Drugs Prevention,
Art & Culture,
Blood Donation Camps,
Community Empowerment,
Education Department,
Environment Protection,
Health - AIDS & Cancer,
Human Rights,
Minority Issues,
Monumental Projects,
Natural & Human Calamities,
Old Age,
Processing of Agro Products,
Rain Water Harvesting,
Rural & Urban Development,
Science & Technology,
Water, Sanitation & Hygiene,
Women Empowerment.
All of our work is guided by our mission to share the sum of all knowledge with every person in the world. We also support the community of volunteers who contribute to the BGS Foundation projects and free knowledge accessible wherever you are — on your phone or laptop.
Our objects extend to all over India.
Approved by - CENTRAL GOVERNMENT OF INDIA (Regd. no.: 270633)